Thursday, November 28, 2019

How Your Word Can Help or Hurt Your Job Search

How Your Word Can Help or Hurt Your Job SearchHow Your Word Can Help or Hurt Your Job SearchBe impeccable with your word, is the first agreement in The Four Agreements, a bestselling book by Don Miguel Ruiz. Through the word you express your creative power, he writes. It is through the word that you express manifest everything.Your Word is How You Talk about YourselfWhen you search for a job, you are highly dependent on your word. What you say about your past experiences and what you say about what you desire for the future both have a huge impact on your success in getting the job you truly want. You use words in your resume, cover letter and throughout the bewerbungsinterview process. There are many resources available to help you with using words that put you in the best possible light in ansicht areas. Check out these articles.ResumeObjective statementCover letterInterviewingYour Word is How You Talk to YourselfBeing impeccable with your word, according to Ruiz, is more than just about telling the truth. Impeccability means without sin. Ruiz defines sin not as breaking some religious code of conduct but as anything you do that goes against yourself.Everything you feel or believe or say that goes against yourself is a sin. You go against yourself when you judge or blame yourself for anything. Being without sin is exactly the opposite. Being impeccable is not going against yourself. When you are impeccable, you take responsibility for your actions, but you dont judge or blame yourself.The very act of reading job descriptions and comparing your experience to listed requirements can put you in a state of negative self-talk. In Ruizs terms, the messages that appear in your mind that say you dont have enough experience, that youll never get a job, that theres nothing out there and so on are all examples of using your word against yourself. These thoughts judge you for you not having a job or having enough experience and blame you for not looking hard enough.Being impeccable with your word means to use your energy in the direction of truth and love for yourself, says Ruiz. These messages of judgment and blame come not from ourselves, Ruiz argues, but from others opinions that we have turned into beliefs. Perhaps a family member is worried about you and expresses their concern by telling you to look harder. Or perhaps you had a boss that accused you of doing a bad job when you were actually working very hard.By seeing these opinions just for what they are opinions they lessen their hold on you and give you the energy to create a more positive outcome. If you are doing everything right in terms of using words on your resume and in your interview process but still have not found a job, your problem may be with how you use the word against yourself.Impeccability of the word can lead you to personal freedom, to huge success and abundance, writes Ruiz. The more you practice a positive internal conversation, ignoring the naysayers and voices of f ear, the more successful you will be in your search and at your new job.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

5 ways to ace the first impression with your new boss

5 ways to ace the first impression with your new boss5 ways to ace the first impression with your new bossNo matter how much youlove your job, the working world can be stressful. And of all the regular stressors - heavy workloads, scary meetings, competition - none is so unique as getting a newboss. Your supervisor affects your everyday projects,work friendships, and even opportunities, which is why having a great relationship with them is well worth it. Brie Reynolds, senior career specialist atFlexJobs, has some advice for making a first impression worthy of yourBossstatus.1. Make adjustmentsGetting a new supervisor can be nerve-racking but also a great time to make some adjustments to how youre working, Reynolds says. There are few times in the professional world that allow you to truly step back and evaluate the way that you work, and getting a new boss is one of them. If you critically think about your work style before getting a new supervisor, youll be that much more adaptab le to theirs.2. Establish solid communicationAsk them how they prefer to communicate and how often theyd like hear from you, Reynolds says. Whether you work in an arbeitszimmer or remotely, these communication norms will help you establish a strong working relationship from the get-go. Todays workspaces often allow for varied forms of communication from text to email to in-person conversations, learning about her preferences could save you headaches down the road.3. Do some homework firstIf youre feeling especially nervous about meeting your new boss, consider gathering some background information about them. A simple LinkedIn search could do the trick After finding out some career and personal information, youll be prepared to capitalize on your similarities.4. Get a sense of their personalityYour personality informs the way you work, and your boss is no different. If theyre more introverted, for example, they might prefer very succinct meetings that get to the point. If shes an ea rly bird, she might appreciate having a report on her desk first thing in the morning.5. Gain respectWhile personality fit is an important component of the boss/employee relationship, its worth focusing on gaining your boss respect. A great way to do this is by drumherum expectations from the get-go if your supervisor knows what you do and how much to expect from you, theyll be that much more likely to appreciate your hard work.This article was originally published on Brit + Co.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

5 ways to walk into a performance review with your eyes wide open

5 ways to walk into a performance review with your eyes wide open5 ways to walk into a performance review with your eyes wide openWe all know that performance reviews can be especially nerve-wracking - especially when you run the risk of getting unexpected bad news or youre already on thin ice with your boss.But whether youre on shaky ground or not, heres what to do to to make sure youre prepared for your next one.Go in with a planBernard Marr, a speaker, author and advisor, writes on his website that when getting ready for a yearly performance review, you should aim to drive the discussion.Before you head into your review, make a short list of topics that you would like to cover with your manager. Your annual review is a perfect opportunity to talk about anything that might be on your mind with regard to your career trajectory, team, projects, and so on. Take the opportunity to make the review work for you, he writes.Do your own performance review firstThis can help take the edge o ff once the meeting with your boss finally rolls around.Shawn Kent Hayashi, the founder of The Professional Development Group and the author of Conversations for Creating Star Performers, told The New York Times that the first thing you should do is write out your duties at work and come up with your own assessment of each.Thinking through how youve done will prevent you from overreacting to feedback because you know what to expect, she told the media outlet.Brace yourself for potential curveballsNo one likes these, but its best to mentally prepare beforehand just in case.Chrissy Scivicque of writes in U.S. News World Report that your should prepare for hard truths.Even top performers have room for improvement. No matter how well youre doing, you have to prepare yourself mentally for a few hard truths. After all, you cant grow as a professional if you dont know where youre currently falling short.What are your weaknesses? What mistakes or negative things could com e out during this discussion and how will you address them? Scivicque writes.She goes on to add that getting overly emotional is sure to backfire, to keep your ears open, write things down. and ask questions, among other points.Be ready to own where you standThis in the same vein.Dave Johnson writes on CBS MoneyWatch that you should be honest about yourself.Dont lie, or even exaggerate. Your manager (probably) isnt an idiot. If you take leistungspunkt for someone elses work or inflate the value of what you accomplished, odds are that your boss will notice. And from that point on he or she will second-guess everything you write in your review. Your review (and the list of accomplishments you submit in advance) should be clear, honest and squeaky-clean. Moreover, you should call out challenges that arose during the year. Its OK, and probably even a good idea, to highlight one or two things that went wrong, especially if you can cite ways you grew as a result, Johnson writes.Come prepa red with questionsThe Robert Half Blog explains why you should seize this chance to ask about what you really want to know about.The annual review process is your opportunity to get direct feedback regarding your performance and future with the company. This is your chance to ask for whatever it is you need or want from your employer (as appropriate). It can be difficult to bring up these subjects with a superior face-to-face - whether youre asking for a raise, a promotion, recognition or simply more insights about your expected career path - so it may be helpful to make a bulleted list of what youd like to bring up during your talk, the blog says.